Monday, May 12, 2008


Well, LOST threw it at us hard and heavy this past Thursday. Even before the first commercial break we see John Locke being born in the late 50s to a girl in her late teens; we see Locke, Hurley, and Ben in the jungle searching for the cabin (and Ben says to Locke that he's been following Hurley); and we see the commando boys back on the boat -- their leader Martin Keamy wants to kill Michael (Kevin) because he gave up all of the ship personnel's identities to Ben for some other of his plans. Of course, Mikey's luck still holds out when the gun pointed at his face will not fire -- nope, the island still has work for him to do. Yes, indeed, all this in less than 6-1/2 minutes.
This episode hops around the stories more than most, so try to stay close. Back in the jungle, John is the only one "awake" and hears wood being chopped. When he goes to find where it's coming from, he meets up with an ax-wielding man, a mathematician from the Arrow Hatch named Horace (oh, he mentions that he's been dead for 12 years, just in case a few seconds had made it by that weren't strange enuf). He says, "You gotta find me John, and when you do, you'll find . . . Jacob. He's been waiting for you for a real long time." But John is only dreaming this and he wakes up, and seems urgent to get the search going. Ben chimes in that he used to have dreams.
Back in the hospital, the nurse says that John is the youngest baby ever born in that hospital (6 months). John's mom and grandmom are there; and when the nurse lifts the baby to give him to John's mom, she freaks a bit, "I can't, I just can't." Then she runs out of the room. The grandmother inquires as to who to contact for adoption purposes. All this time, a man has been looking in on the room. Grandma asks the nurse, "Is that the father?" The nurse replies, "I don't know who that is." Well to us he looks quite a bit like Ben's adviser, Dr. Richard Alpert -- seemingly ageless -- but they know how to handle time's frustrating always-moving-forward characteristics.
Five years later he's back with five-year-old John, this time he's asking John to pick out which objects rightfully belong to him. Locke chooses a compass and a knife, what he needed to turn into the hunter he is on the island years later. Though, Richard seems frustrated that he chose the knife and leaves, telling the mom that John is not quite ready for his school. Interestingly here, John has an older sister and younger brother, and seemingly a different mom -- so he must be living with his adoptive parents.
John, Hurley, and Ben are at the death-pit of the Dharma Initiative, where all the dead Dharma bodies have been dumped, and where Ben had shot John and left him for dead. As Ben says, "I should have realized at the time that it was pointless, but I really wasn't thinking clearly." Ben also notes that it was the others that wiped out the Dharma initiative, though it was not his decision. It was the Others' leaders who decided and Ben was not one of them at the time.
All this time while Ben and Hurley have been talking, Locke has been in the pit searching through the bodies. He finally finds who/what he was looking for -- the dead body of the Dharma Arrow mathematician, Horace, and Horace's map to the cabin, which seems to be what he was building when John met him in the dream. And now that they have a map, John tells Hurley that he can go back to the beach camp; but Hurley stays, believing it safer than trying to make it to the camp at night in the jungle. Ben thinks that John was manipulating Hurley into staying -- like Ben has always done so well. "I'm not you, " John tells Ben. "You're certainly not," Ben agrees.
Keamy forcefully takes the second key to the ship's safe from the captain and opens the safe, removing the "secondary protocol." It tells where Ben is going to go. "How would Mr. Widmore know that?" "Mr. Widmore is a very smart man." Keamy says that if Ben knew that Widmore's people were going to torch the island, there is only one place where Ben would go. The captain obviously did not know about the torching, so he goes to Desmond and Sayid and tells them to get off the boat in a small raft and try to warn the islanders. Sayid goes, Desmond stays.
We next find a teenage Locke locked in a high school gym locker. A teacher lets him out. Back in the teacher's office, the teacher tells John that he has been selected to go to Mittelos Science Camp, but John doesn't want the science life, he says that's what gets others to stuff him in the lockers. The teacher was contacted by a Dr. Alpert from Mittelos Laboratories in Portland. Hmmm, it seems Richard has been doing a lot of traveling.
Frank takes the handcuffs off of Michael (Kevin) and asks why Michael didn't tell him he was a survivor. Mikevin says that Frank wouldn't have believed him, and that Frank was working for Charles Widmore. Okay, fine. So, as they leave the room, we see Keamy having a device (bomb? timer?) being strapped to his inner right bicep by another militia dude. When Keamy sees Frank and Mikevin, Frank says that he's taking him to the engine room. Supposedly Mikevin must fix the engine parts that he busted up.
Back to Locke, this time shortly after he has been paralyzed by his father (adoptive, that is). An orderly is pushing John in his wheelchair; the orderly just happens to be Matthew Abaddon, the same person who was in Hurley's flash forward at the mental institution trying to find out if there were any more survivors on the island. This is the same man who apparently put together the crew that was aboard the ship and was in touch with Naomi. He tells John that just surviving the fall is a miracle and that John should believe in miracles. He also tells John that what he needs to do is to go on a walkabout -- a journey of self-discovery, to which John notes his condition -- he is a cripple. "Is that what you are Mr. Locke? I went on my walkabout convinced I was one thing, but came back another. I found out what I was made of, who I was." "And here you are, an orderly." "Oh, I'm a lot more than just an orderly John." That's for sure! "When you're ready Mr. Locke, you listen to what I'm saying. And then, when you and me run into each other again, you'll owe me one."
Okay, so what's he going to ask for? Where's Ben? If Abaddon is working for Widmore, that seems to be a possible answer, but if he (and Naomi) were/are behind something else (Hanso/Dharma/Mittelos/Whateva -- not in Widmore's employ), well, the sky's the limit (whatever sky, whenever you want it).
So, the commandos are going back to the island with loads of ammo, but Frank doesn't want them to go. Keamy kills the doctor and throws him overboard (of course, this is a few weeks after the doctor washed up on Jack's beach). The captain also tries to stop them, but gets killed as well. So, Frank gives in, "We're flying." Frank manages to set his communicator/tracking device just before takeoff.
On the beach Juliet tells Jack to rest and stop moving around or the stitches will come out. Just then they hear the helicopter and see it flying overhead. Frank throws out a small dufflebag which contains the device. Jack believes that by using the device they'll be able to follow them. I'm not sure that's a great idea.
The jungle boys have followed the map and found the cabin. Hurley and Ben agree that John's the one who should go in. John goes in; he sees someone sitting in the corner. "Are you Jacob" No, but I can speak on his behalf." As Hurley had seen, it is Christian Shephard. Of course we were told earlier that Jacob has been waiting for John for a really long time, so what's a little longer. Okay, maybe in this role Christian gets to make up for all the scheming, devious, selfish, deceitful, and outright crappy things he did when he was alive. Could the island use him for this? I don't know, he is still wearing his guileful grin, but . . .
Well, Claire is in the cabin, too, but not Aaron. "The baby is where he's supposed to be, and that's not here," informs Christian. He also tells John not to mention to anyone that he saw Claire. John has lots of questions, but Christian cuts him off, saying that the people on the boat are on the way back. "Why don't you ask the one question that does matter."
"How do I save the island?"
John comes out of the cabin. "Did he tell you what we're supposed to do?"
"He did."
"He wants us to move the island."
No problemo! Maybe it's not actually there in the first place.
My favorite line in this episode was from Hurley, as he gives John a bottle of water in the jungle, "Here you go, dude. Digging through dead bodies takes it out of ya."
See ya later,

Friday, May 2, 2008


Okay, so what the hell was that all about? The writers have gone and screwed up what little logic there was left on the show. As you all remember, the flash forwards to date have been progressing regressively. That is, they started with Jack at the end of the third season pleading with Kate to go back to the island, and, since that fateful day last year, the flash forwards have been moving backward getting closer to when the Oceanic Six get off the island. All this has now been changed, and I'm blaming the writers and producers for not being able to find a way around it. You see, we see Jack and Kate living together with Aaron after Kate's trial . . . yep, after the trial -- that's a forward flash forward, not backward. And this wasn't some time-traveling fiasco either.
Anyway, I guess they want to show us now how Jack gets to the point of desperation that we saw at the end of season three. It'll be easier to move forward from here. We're still in the dark as to whether or not Jack knows he's Claire's half-brother and, therefore, Aaron's uncle.
Back in the jungle, Sawyer, Claire, Aaron, and Miles are strolling their way back to Jack's camp when suddenly Miles's psychic ability returns -- remember, he's got strange powers? Miles "senses" something and, falling to the ground, unearths the faces of Rousseau and Karl. This is where the commando boys did some brisk burying after the just as brisk killing. I guess we know now that Rousseau is truly dead. Of course, this is LOST. Frank shows up and helps save the small group from the militia by diverting them back to the helicopter. It seems that Ben's smoke monster only roughed up the boys last week; Smokey didn't "do an Eko" on them.
Afterward, Miles keeps staring at Claire, and Sawyer tells him to not even look at her. In Sawyer's own style, he tells Miles that Miles now has a restraining order in effect on him.
So, as we thought last week, Jack's health problem stems from his appendix, and out it must come. Luckily Juliet has the training. But Jack wants Kate involved (of course). Daniel jumps in to help, too -- well, at least he goes to get the surgical instruments needed for the operation.
As we flash again forward, Jack is working in the hospital and gets a glimpse of what we think is the back of his father's head. So, the visions continue back in the States, too. Just like Hurley saw Charlie, Jack is seeing his dad. And Jack gets a call from Hurley's doctor, so Jack goes to see Hurley at the Santa Rosa Mental Health Facility.
Hurley seems a bit messed up, he's not taking his drugs, he tells Jack that he likes hanging out out there on the lawn with Charlie, and he thinks that all of the Oceanic Six are, in reality, dead. Hurley mentions that Charlie had told him that Jack would be stopping by. Jacks tells him to take his meds and turns to leave when Hurley says that Charlie has a message for Jack; Charlie made Hurley write it down so he would remember it correctly. He reads it from a piece of paper, "You're not supposed to raise him, Jack." And, as Jack is walking out the door, Hurley adds, "Charlie said someone's gonna be visiting you, too. Soon." Of course, we all know it's gotta be his dad. And back at the hospital he does see dad, white shoes and all, who only says, "Jack." Supernatural LOST at its best.
The waves on the beach and the operation continue. Juliet, Kate, and Bernard are performing the operation, but Jack is reacting to the pain -- he only wanted a local anesthetic, of course. As the pain gets worse, Juliet decides, "Bernard knock him out and Kate, get out." The operation is a success and we see Juliet suturing up Jack, similar to when Kate sutured him up in the pilot. Who gets to suture Jack next?
Camping for the night, we see Miles and Sawyer sleeping, while Claire wakes up and Aaron is not with her. But there he is, on the other side of the fire, being rocked gently by her (and Jack's) father. Claire asks, "Dad?" But when Sawyer wakes up, Miles is awake and Claire and Aaron have walked off into the jungle during the night with Claire's "Dad." They hear the cries of a baby and soon find Aaron, but Claire is nowhere to be found.
One of the other biggies on the episode was that Jack proposed to Kate -- ring and all -- and she accepted. Yet . . . soon after . . . Kate is talking on the phone when Jack gets home and he becomes suspicious. She's also out of the house when she was supposed to be home. When forced to tell him what's going on, Kate says that she's doing something for Sawyer -- and Sawyer didn't want anyone else to know. Oh, Jack has begun drinking and taking drugs (together) because of Hurley's talk and having seen his dad at the hospital. Kate disapproves and says that she doesn't want this kind of behavior around her son. Jack retorts, "You're not even related to him." LOST ambiguity again. Do we think that Jack knows of his relation to Aaron or do we think it's as plain as Kate not having any relation?
So, another load of questions after much ado. Well, I think that Sawyer has Kate looking for his child. Maybe to say that "Dad is alive and loves you," or some such. Though that's pretty non-Sawyer-like. And we have no news from Ben, Locke, and Hurley on their quest for the Holy Cabin of Jacob. My guess is we'll know all about it next Thursday (and what I mean by "all about it" is "something about it" -- it's the LOST way). And Desmond, Sayid, and Michael (Kevin) patiently wait -- floating on Charles Widmore's boat -- for the writers to get a move on.
See ya later,

Friday, April 25, 2008


Well, we got our money's worth, as it were, in last night's episode. It was a long wait between the eighth and ninth shows this season, but it paid off well.
We are thrust into motion from the beginning, Bernard has found a body and screams for help, as the doctor from the boat washes up onto the beach at Jack's camp, slit throat and all. Daniel identifies the body as the doctor.
Shift quickly over to Locke's camp and we have a humorous repartee among Hurley, Locke, and Sawyer -- which at first we don't realize is humorous, because it goes like this, all in close up:
Hurley: We're all gonna die.
Sawyer: Calm down Chicken Little; the sky ain't falling just yet.
Hurley: This is just what he wants, to fight among ourselves. You're making a big mistake, dude.
Locke: It's his to make, Hugo. (turning to Sawyer) Let's get on with it.
Sawyer: Right. (pause) I'm attacking Siberia.
And as the camera pulls back we see that they're playing the board game Risk. A LOST comedic moment. A nice touch is that Hurley is holding Aaron, sort of taking the Charlie role for when Claire is not around.
The phone rings and Locke answers. He hears a computerized voice repeating "Code 14J." Which when they tell Ben, he goes into combat mode saying, "They're here."
We have a flash-forward storyline again, which, as has become standard, is closer to the "present" time than all the other flash forwards. This one is about Ben, who enters the Sahara Desert in Tunisia, employing what seems to have been another time-warping body transfer. After some neat 007 moves, Ben shows off his equestrian prowess as he rides off toward a town in Tunisia.
Ben arrives at a hotel where he is a preferred guest, Dean Moriarty (for all you Holmes folk) and asks the desk clerk what the date is, October 21st -- and he's not sure of the year, "2005?" "Yes sir, 2005."
We also meet up with Sayid, who is in Tunisia to bury his dead wife Nadia. Yes, it seems Sayid made it back to the States and married her after all. She was then killed by an employee of Charles Widmore. Why? Maybe we'll find out, maybe not. Ben seems a little surprised to see Sayid there, but it's Ben after all.
The reason it seems that Ben has come to Tunisia is to contact Widmore's associate (the one who killed Nadia) and have him take a message to Widmore. But Sayid gets revenge and kills Widmore's boy. Sayid tells Ben that he has no life anymore and asks, "Benjamin, who's next?" Ben says, "I'll be in touch," and, turning, grins as he walks away. That sly boots.
Meanwhile at the beach, Daniel says that the doctor was fine the last time he saw him. Jack asks when that was, to which Daniel replies, "When? When is kind of a relative thing." Good, more time-travel wassupness.
Charles Widmore's commando boys have Alex in tow and attack Locke's camp, unfortunately, Sawyer ran out of the house to find Claire just as the shooting begins. James does okay for himself, but for three other others, it was not to be. Almost comedically, Sawyer yells "Get back inside the house," and one person gets shot. Another comes out, "Get back inside," bang, dead. And a third, "Get inside," too late, dead.
Then Widmore's crew shoots a small missile at Claire's abode just as Sawyer was going to go in. Kaboom! LOST fans everywhere take a deep breath, "Oh, no, I guess this is where Claire gets it." But, no, Sawyer finds Claire a little banged up and brings her back to the Ben/Locke house.
The big stuff comes next. In a face off with Ben vs. the militia, Commando #1 puts Alex on her knees and tells Ben he will kill her unless Ben surrenders. Ben says that she is not his daughter, that he only took her away from a crazy woman and raised her, and that he is not coming out of the house. Unfortunately, as he speaks his last words, Alex is shot in the head. Ben is overcome and says that, "They changed the rules."
Ben runs into a room, and through several secret panels in the walls, until he get to a machine. He comes out some minutes later and says get ready to run. The house starts shaking and there out the window in the woods is . . . Smokey! Ben has called the smoke monster to the rescue! Hurrah. Cool. So, how does Ben control that thing anyhow? And what is it?
Okay, so Locke's group splits. Sawyer, Claire, Aaron, and Miles are off to Jack's camp. While Ben, Locke, and Hurley are off to find the cabin and Jacob -- according to Ben, Hurley can find the cabin.
In the final flash-forward sequence Ben is in London and gets into Charles Widmore's penthouse in the middle of the night. Widmore asks if Ben has come to kill him. "No, you know I can't do that." WHY NOT? Though Ben does say that he's going to kill Penelope, so that when she's dead, Widmore will know how it feels to lose a daughter.
Too many questions, but it was a tremendous effort -- one of the best to date. No progress on the people on the boat, but I guess Desmond isn't going to like Ben killing Penelope. Of course, Desmond might not be around by then. It's all relative, right?


Thursday, April 24, 2008


Tonight is the night most of us have been waiting for. Yes indeedy, LOST makes it back to the airwaves with a new episode. And we have a lot of questions (and probably more after watching tonight's show).
Remember, LOST jumps to its new time slot beginning this evening -- 10:00. If you tend to record the show, remember to adjust your machines accordingly.
Now, who will we find washed up on the beach at Jack's camp tonight? Maybe it's one of the dead people that we haven't been sure is dead. There are lots of those people on the loose. Let's see, there's Christian Shephard, supposedly dead and supposedly in the coffin on Flight 815's cargo area, but . . . and of late there's Rousseau who was shot, but we haven't seen a dead body yet. Before I go on too long with this thread, just check out ABC's site. It has great coming attractions for tonight's episode -- and sneak peeks. A must watch is the all you need to know about LOST in 4 minutes and 24 seconds. If you know anyone that needs an overview, this is for them.
Look at the previews and stuff before you read any further.
You will see that the body washing up on shore looks like it's a man. If I'd have to guess, I'd go with Frank, because he's been missing after trying to get back to the island from the boat, and I'm not sure where that character is going . . . I do like Jeff Fahey as an actor, so hopefully he'll survive. If it is Frank, the helicopter is probably gone, too. What a shame.
Of course, Frank was probably bringing part of Charles Widmore's little militia to the island to attack Ben's camp. Which brings other questions into the what's-going-to-happen-tonight scenario. Are those Rambo commandos going to shoot everyone down just to get to Ben? It is supposedly their main goal; everyone else is expendable. Is it time for Michael (Kevin) to end up dead yet? Now that he's been outed by Sayid, he's a target with a very large bullseye. And you thought you had problems.
Less than 7-1/2 hours. GET READY ! ! !

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

LOST for Two More Weeks -- So LOST -- Ep. 4.9 update!

Still in wait mode -- I must be on or near the island; time is moving soooo slowly . . . Some news for ya. Not much, but here's ABC's press release for the next LOST (4.09) to be shown 04-24-08.

Episode 4.09 - The Shape of Things to Come
Airs: April 24, 2008
Press Release


“LOST” Moves to its New 10:00 p.m., ET Time-slot, Thursday, April 24

“The Shape of Things to Come” – Locke’s camp comes under attack, and Jack tries to discover the identity of a body that has washed ashore, on “Lost,” THURSDAY, APRIL 24 (10:01-11:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.

“Lost” stars Naveen Andrews as Sayid, Henry Ian Cusick as Desmond, Emilie de Ravin as Claire, Michael Emerson as Ben, Matthew Fox as Jack, Jorge Garcia as Hurley, Josh Holloway as Sawyer, Daniel Dae Kim as Jin, Yunjin Kim as Sun, Evangeline Lilly as Kate, Elizabeth Mitchell as Juliet, Terry O’Quinn as Locke and Harold Perrineau as Michael.

Guest starring are Ken Leung as Miles, Jeremy Davies as Daniel Faraday, Rebecca Mader as Charlotte, Sam Anderson as Bernard, Tania Raymonde as Alex, Alan Dale as Charles Widmore, Marc Vann as doctor, Kevin Durand as Keamy, Yetide Badaki as desk clerk, Kaveh Kardan as merchant, Faran Tahir as Ishmael Bakir and Sean Douglas Hoban as Doug.

“The Shape of Things to Come” was written by Brian K. Vaughan & Drew Goddard and directed by Jack Bender.

Source: ABC


Well, we have an attack on Locke's camp -- casualties? And who's washing up on shore? The woman who jumped off the boat had wrapped chains around herself, so she's probably somewhere on the Pacific floor doing her best chum impression. It would be LOST-like, though, for her to have become miraculously unchained and made a bee line to the LOST beach encampment. Let's hope not.

More LOST news is on the way . . .

If you can trust the STAR, then you'll believe that Evangeline and Dominic are a twosome again. It is the STAR, though.

Monday, March 31, 2008

LOST WAITING FOR LOST -- Seen Eight, Must Wait

Man, Thursday night was pretty slow last week. This Thursday looks like it'll be the same. We have to wait until the last Thursday in April to get back to the story. This, of course, was inflicted on all of us by the non-agreement between the parties in Hollywoodland, leading to the much bandied-about "writers' strike."
Even though the LOST writers are back to work and production has been resumed, they had only eight in the can prior to the strike. We've seen those eight and now must WAIT! ABC is showing the season again, so catch up if you need to. I've even broken out the other box sets and have been suring up my lost LOST bits.
Yet, one of the best things I have found to do is surfing the internet checking out all the LOTS of LOST stuff out there, and "holy motherlode, Batman," there's a LOT. If you want, there's plenty of great stuff on the official ABC LOST site here:
This site is chock full of LOST fans wants and needs. Doesn't everyone need to know what Sawyer would call you if you were so lucky to have been stranded with the bunch? Well, I did. So, I simply went and clicked on "Sawyer's Nickname Generator" and found out that he'd call me "Wilbur" if I were on the island -- not sure why.
The LOST connections link is inspired and will help you put some pieces together; and speaking of pieces, DO NOT miss the internet only "Missing Pieces" on this site. All in all ABC has done a great job for the fans here.
If you want more fan-based theoretical mumbo-jumbo, use Google, Yahoo, or whatever your favorite search engine may be and start tracking down LOST fan sites. Pretty much any reference seems to pull up some LOST stuff. Type in "LOST" or "John Locke" or "Mathew Fox" or even just "Sawyer," which will give more hits about him and the show than it will about Tom Sawyer.
My favorite searching, though, has come from the amazing YouTube. Do some searches there. You can find some of the tidbits that came with the season box sets that were not available on network TV, but you can also find sooooo many fan videos, most of which were pretty decent. For example, I like one that had put the Evangeline Lilly and Dominic Monaghan real-life romance in pictures, to a nice rendition of Wonderwall. Unfortunately, they broke up . . . but the video survives!
And do not miss Dominic Monaghan, Mathew Fox, or Evangeline Lilly on Ellen, and check out their appearances on Jimmy Kimmel, Letterman, and others. Some of these are hilarious and give you a better understanding of their real-world personalities.
You can also catch all of the cast auditions for the show. My fave was Hurley trying out for Sawyer's role! Just start searching around.
So, do not be down while our wait is being imposed, get on the net and find some treasures. They're waiting for you. Do it!
See you all soon,
Kenn (Wilbur)

Friday, March 21, 2008

LOST in Space and Time and Everywhere Else OR Two, Two . . . Two Deaths in One

My goodness, what have they gone and done now? Last night we were privileged to have the writers of LOST send us forward with Michael after he had left the island with his son Walt in tow, only to realize that it was the past as far as where the "actual" timeline of the series had reached. That is, the flashforward/flashback begins after Michael has come back to New York, but it is before he goes on board the freighter owned by Charles Widmore. Got it? Good.
The show
is basically set around Michael, who we find out has "lost" his son again, because Michael couldn't keep his guilt inside and has told Walt that he murdered two people (Ana Lucia and Libby). Walt cannot be with such an inhuman dad and goes off to live with his grandmama. Most of this we find out through Tom, who has been sent by Ben to get Michael to do more dirty work for him. This is fake-beard Tom, who is alive and well, and, well . . . gay. Yeah, Tom, that big lug, always knew he had it in him. I shoulda known by the beard.
So, how many more questions do we have now? Here's an easy one, "When and where did Mike and Walt land with the boat?" How about, "Now that Walt is living with his grandmother (who will not let Michael see his son), do we think that this is where Miles was when he was first introduced as a 'medium'?" We'll move on. Michael gets onto the freighter disguised by Ben as Kevin Johnson, general maintenance help dude. So, as we learn, he's Ben's inside man, and he's there to kill all the people on the boat. But Ben didn't have to use Walt to get Michael to go for this, finally. Ben simply said that if Mike wanted to redeem himself for his two murders, and truly show his allegiance to the 815 bunch still stranded, he could "save" them by killing the people on Charles Widmore's boat.
You see, Charles Widmore staged a fake Flight 815 crash; and he had it done where the waters were sooooo deep that it would be difficult -- if not impossible -- to get to the plane and check the bodies or look for the black box. Bad man, or at least that's what we think; just look how he treated Desmond. And he's out to exploit the island's wonders, and kill the islanders. He has certainly hired the right bunch from what we saw. We see a group of muscle-bound Rambo-types skeet shooting on the boat using M-16s and Uzis (those wonderful submachine guns designed by Uziel Gal
in the late 1940s). And they're just plain mean to Kevin, "Don't you have something to mop up?"
So, Ben's a good guy for wanting to get rid of those bad men and save the islanders. Well, wait a minute, let's see. Last night Ben sends his daughter Alex, along with Rousseau and Karl, out to a destination in the woods. He fears that there is an impending attack by the bad boat guys and he doesn't want his daughter to be hurt. Sort of like when he "imprisoned" Karl because he did not want Alex to be hurt. Alex and Karl were getting into heavy petting, and if by some chance Alex were to be inseminated, she'd be a goner. Anyway, off the three go into the woods. Bang, you're dead. Bang, you're dead. Actually, it was pretty quiet, no loud bangs. Ben is supposed to know everything, well almost everything. Either he didn't know that "they" were waiting in the woods, or he wanted to get rid of Rousseau and Karl, because they got shot.
I don't think anyone in Vegas was picking Rousseau, and certainly not Karl. Then Alex tries to save herself, "Don't shoot; I'm Ben's daughter." I do feel bad for Rousseau, all those years on the island by herself . . . unfair! And who was waiting in the woods anyhow?
But let's not even enter into a discussion on how Ben is really a decent sort. Of course Ben's a bad guy. He's a manipulative scum and Jack never should have stopped using him as a punching bag. I mean, c'mon, Ben killed his own father. At least John Locke had the graciousness and dignity to have Sawyer do that dirty deed for him.
Well, back on the boat Sayid and Desmond confront Kevin Johnson, but Michael doesn't get the whole story out. He does tell enough so that Desmond and Sayid know he's working for Ben. That's enough for Sayid, he doesn't want to hear anymore. He marches Kevin to the captain and reports that Kevin is an impostor working for Ben Linus. Unfortunately for Michael, I am unsympathetic to his dilemma. After murdering Ana Lucia and Libby (which totally blew Hurley out of the water, as it were), he deserves nothing short of death.
Yet, the island won't let him die yet. It won't even let him kill himself, and he tried a few times last night. He has work to do.
The wrap: Michael is working for Ben, but his cover has been blown. Frank is still missing with his helicopter on a mission we'll have to wait to find out about. Rousseau and Karl have been shot. Ben is bad. Charles Widmore is very, very rich (and bad). Time is moving slower on the island than off. When will someone finally mention this?

Friday, March 14, 2008


Alrighty then, we're still quite LOST. But we got some news: Sun is in, closing out the Oceanic Six. Speculation about this can be stopped now -- in last week's coming attractions, the voiceover said that we'd discover the LAST of the Oceanic Six. So, we have 'em all: Jack, Kate, Sayid, Hurley, Aaron, and Sun. Jin is unfortunately dead; and this after he had become a new man, not the bad one Sun had known in the days before the crash, and his English was getting quite good.
Which brings up the eight plane wreck survivors, as Jack mentioned in court. We can suppose that Jin was one of the two unidentified survivors (two unidentified survivors plus the Oceanic Six equals eight plane wreck survivors). Of Jack's eight, who will be the last "known" survivor of the plane crash?
Does anybody really know how much power and money and just plain balls it would take to stage a plane crash of this magnitude? The island could certainly have helped Ben with this, but we should see pretty soon how this plays out. Ben and Locke's camp were not featured last night. Though I just kept wondering if the hand grenade had exploded yet. I guess we'll see how this plays out even sooner.
And speaking of out, it looks like Michael has been outted. Of course, Michael has again been manipulated by Ben, who no doubt held the Walt card in front of his face to get the cooperation he needed. Michael (AKA Kevin Johnson) is Ben's inside man on the boat, but where the hell did Walt go? Is he in cargo hold? He didn't go back to the mainland or he'd be an Oceanic Six. He'll pop up, but they better hurry because, like Harry Potter, he's a growing boy and years are passing.
Frank seems to have left for the island again, but not before first supplying the island boys with a good fiber source in several cans of lima beans -- Yum! And a word to the wise, don't read books upside down; the effects are drastic and, as we found out, sometimes lethal.
The main thrust last night was that Sun was having her baby. We see an obvious flash forward of Sun experiencing labor pains and running off to the hospital calling out for Jin. Then we see Jin running around trying to buy a stuffed panda bear, which he does -- twice! But this can't be a flash forward, because we already have the Six. LOST writers do try to screw with the linear-thought-arrangement tools in our heads -- once again -- by having Sun call out for Jin and then cutting away to Jin, who just happens to be talking about getting to the hospital and not knowing the sex of the baby. Pricks!
And we have a rather lackadaisical, though forthcoming, captain. We find out that it is Penelope's father's boat after all -- why did Charlie say it wasn't Penelope's boat? Because it was her dad's?
Finally, we have Hurley, Sun, and cute baby Ji Yeon at Jin's grave. A very touching and sad emo scene. And we once again notice that the flash forwards are getting closer to their getting off the island. Ever the twain shall meet.

Friday, March 7, 2008


Okay, so you haven't missed an episode yet like me. And it's not been helping you figure out what's coming next. But we love it that way -- "shhh . . . don't tell me, I haven't seen that episode yet." Let's look into a few items . . . there be spoilers here, so back off now if you don't wanna ruin it for yourself.

So far we know that the Oceanic Six consist of Kate, Jack, Sayid, Hugo, and Aaron -- and in the coming attractions after last night's show we learned that next week the sixth Six will be revealed. Hmmm? Lots of guesses for that one. Could this be tied to who was in the coffin at the funeral home where no one but Jack showed up? Is it one of the Oceanic Six that makes it into that box? If not, why the high drama? Perhaps it was one of the other two of the "eight" survivors of the crash, as Jack put it at Kate's trial.

And how does Kate end up with Jack's half-nephew, Aaron? Obviously Claire would not let her baby go for any reason, she would die first. Do we assume she's dead? Does she find out Jack is her half-brother before she dies? Maybe this is why Jack is having a very difficult time getting himself to go over to Kate's place and see the kid.

As my wife pointed out early on, I guess you've noticed that all the flash-forward scenes, beginning with the last episode of the third season, wherein Jack demonstratively emotes to Kate, "We gotta go back!", are moving backward in time. That is, all the future scenes start with that Jack/Kate scene and begin to move backward to when they were rescued. Think about some of the other "future" scenes: Hurley at the institution with the shady man, with a resurrected Charlie, and with Jack; Kate in court, with her mom, and with Jack in the parking garage; Sayid working for Ben. All of the scenes are prior to ones you have seen earlier. My guess is they will continue until the forward motion of the show meets them.

This, of course, multiplies the time element of the show overall. We still get to see flashbacks like we have seen since the show began, but since the last episode of the third season we get to see the future, and it's running backward.

And where the hell is the cabin, Jacob, and the black smoke? I wanna know!

Talk with ya later,
