Friday, May 2, 2008
Okay, so what the hell was that all about? The writers have gone and screwed up what little logic there was left on the show. As you all remember, the flash forwards to date have been progressing regressively. That is, they started with Jack at the end of the third season pleading with Kate to go back to the island, and, since that fateful day last year, the flash forwards have been moving backward getting closer to when the Oceanic Six get off the island. All this has now been changed, and I'm blaming the writers and producers for not being able to find a way around it. You see, we see Jack and Kate living together with Aaron after Kate's trial . . . yep, after the trial -- that's a forward flash forward, not backward. And this wasn't some time-traveling fiasco either.
Anyway, I guess they want to show us now how Jack gets to the point of desperation that we saw at the end of season three. It'll be easier to move forward from here. We're still in the dark as to whether or not Jack knows he's Claire's half-brother and, therefore, Aaron's uncle.
Back in the jungle, Sawyer, Claire, Aaron, and Miles are strolling their way back to Jack's camp when suddenly Miles's psychic ability returns -- remember, he's got strange powers? Miles "senses" something and, falling to the ground, unearths the faces of Rousseau and Karl. This is where the commando boys did some brisk burying after the just as brisk killing. I guess we know now that Rousseau is truly dead. Of course, this is LOST. Frank shows up and helps save the small group from the militia by diverting them back to the helicopter. It seems that Ben's smoke monster only roughed up the boys last week; Smokey didn't "do an Eko" on them.
Afterward, Miles keeps staring at Claire, and Sawyer tells him to not even look at her. In Sawyer's own style, he tells Miles that Miles now has a restraining order in effect on him.
So, as we thought last week, Jack's health problem stems from his appendix, and out it must come. Luckily Juliet has the training. But Jack wants Kate involved (of course). Daniel jumps in to help, too -- well, at least he goes to get the surgical instruments needed for the operation.
As we flash again forward, Jack is working in the hospital and gets a glimpse of what we think is the back of his father's head. So, the visions continue back in the States, too. Just like Hurley saw Charlie, Jack is seeing his dad. And Jack gets a call from Hurley's doctor, so Jack goes to see Hurley at the Santa Rosa Mental Health Facility.
Hurley seems a bit messed up, he's not taking his drugs, he tells Jack that he likes hanging out out there on the lawn with Charlie, and he thinks that all of the Oceanic Six are, in reality, dead. Hurley mentions that Charlie had told him that Jack would be stopping by. Jacks tells him to take his meds and turns to leave when Hurley says that Charlie has a message for Jack; Charlie made Hurley write it down so he would remember it correctly. He reads it from a piece of paper, "You're not supposed to raise him, Jack." And, as Jack is walking out the door, Hurley adds, "Charlie said someone's gonna be visiting you, too. Soon." Of course, we all know it's gotta be his dad. And back at the hospital he does see dad, white shoes and all, who only says, "Jack." Supernatural LOST at its best.
The waves on the beach and the operation continue. Juliet, Kate, and Bernard are performing the operation, but Jack is reacting to the pain -- he only wanted a local anesthetic, of course. As the pain gets worse, Juliet decides, "Bernard knock him out and Kate, get out." The operation is a success and we see Juliet suturing up Jack, similar to when Kate sutured him up in the pilot. Who gets to suture Jack next?
Camping for the night, we see Miles and Sawyer sleeping, while Claire wakes up and Aaron is not with her. But there he is, on the other side of the fire, being rocked gently by her (and Jack's) father. Claire asks, "Dad?" But when Sawyer wakes up, Miles is awake and Claire and Aaron have walked off into the jungle during the night with Claire's "Dad." They hear the cries of a baby and soon find Aaron, but Claire is nowhere to be found.
One of the other biggies on the episode was that Jack proposed to Kate -- ring and all -- and she accepted. Yet . . . soon after . . . Kate is talking on the phone when Jack gets home and he becomes suspicious. She's also out of the house when she was supposed to be home. When forced to tell him what's going on, Kate says that she's doing something for Sawyer -- and Sawyer didn't want anyone else to know. Oh, Jack has begun drinking and taking drugs (together) because of Hurley's talk and having seen his dad at the hospital. Kate disapproves and says that she doesn't want this kind of behavior around her son. Jack retorts, "You're not even related to him." LOST ambiguity again. Do we think that Jack knows of his relation to Aaron or do we think it's as plain as Kate not having any relation?
So, another load of questions after much ado. Well, I think that Sawyer has Kate looking for his child. Maybe to say that "Dad is alive and loves you," or some such. Though that's pretty non-Sawyer-like. And we have no news from Ben, Locke, and Hurley on their quest for the Holy Cabin of Jacob. My guess is we'll know all about it next Thursday (and what I mean by "all about it" is "something about it" -- it's the LOST way). And Desmond, Sayid, and Michael (Kevin) patiently wait -- floating on Charles Widmore's boat -- for the writers to get a move on.
See ya later,
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